Serwis maszyn
Górnictwo odkrywkowe
Górnictwo odkrywkowe
Górnictwo podziemne
Górnictwo odkrywkowe
Napędy spalinowe
Maszyny budowlane
Maszyny budowlane
Górnictwo odkrywkowe
Recykling gruzu budowlanego
Maszyny komunalne
Remonty generalne maszyn
Recykling gruzu budowlanego
Maszyny budowlane
Technologie bezwykopowe
Górnictwo podziemne

Dear Customer, dear Partner

As the authorized Polish distributor of the manufacturers listed on the left side, we have made this web page in Polish language, as it is dedicated mainly for Polish customers.

Still, we believe you will manage to navigate through this page and you are welcome to visit the pages of the manufacturers you are interested in.


The only part of this web page made in English is our own Production, describing all the products we produce ourselves dedicated both for Polish territory and abroad.

The Machine Warehouse is constantly updated and shows our current stock availability.



Please visit our youtube-logo-small channel

Copyright © BH Ruda                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Polityka plików "cookies"